Wednesday, September 3, 2008

John had his Identity stolen in 2003

Hi My name is John , I had my identity stolen in 2003. I was away on vacation when I went to use my credit card at a gas station and it was declined, even though I knew I had deposited plenty of money on it to get me through my vacation. When I returned from home from my vacation , I called the bank and they said that they had, had to  revoke my credit because I had gone into Foreclosure on my property in New York . Even though I lived in Santa Barbera and didnt even own a property in NY. It took me 6 onths to find out that somwone had stolen my identity and another 9 months before I regained my credit rating and cleared my name. But the most heart breaking part of the whole ordeal is that it cost me $12000.00 in legal fees to recoup my previously untarnished good name.

1 comment:

dmix007 said...

Don't let this happen again! offers identity theft prevention services. And they put back it up with a 1,000,000 dollar guarantee. Check them out at If you like their services, you can save 10% when you sign up using the promotion code: 10PERCENT. I've pasted a link that uses this promotion code below:


Stop Identity Theft Before it Happens.